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    1. 當(dāng)前位置:首頁 > 品牌 ● 文化 > 歷史脈絡(luò)
      1684年 時任太醫(yī)院吏目的樂顯揚(yáng)因醫(yī)術(shù)高超、醫(yī)德高尚,被康熙皇帝誥封為“登仕佐郎”

      In 1684, the 23rd Qing Kangxi reign, Mr. Yue Xianyang, the senior physician and instruction at the Imperial Hospital, was officially conferred on him a ninth-grade official rank by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing dynasty for his excellent medical skills and professional ethics.

      老司机精品无码免费视频,少妇性生活Av无码,亚洲成人片在线观看,青久久青久久强奸 亚洲中文字幕www网站 一区二区精品视频在线精品
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