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    1. 當(dāng)前位置:首頁 > 品牌 ● 文化 > 歷史脈絡(luò)
      1955年 同仁堂經(jīng)理樂松生在中南海受到毛澤東主席和周恩來總理的親切接見,被選為北京市人大代表,出任北京市副市長

      In 1955, Mr. Yue Songsheng, the president of Tongrentang, was cordially received by Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai at Zhongnanhai. He was elected as a deputy of the Beijing People’s Congress and the vice mayor of Beijing municipality.

      老司机精品无码免费视频,少妇性生活Av无码,亚洲成人片在线观看,青久久青久久强奸 亚洲中文字幕www网站 一区二区精品视频在线精品
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